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Welcome to Bookworm86, my very own passion for reading and book reviews. I set this up for book lovers like myself to discover new reading material and to review books for authors. Enjoy browsing and feel free to message me or share my reviews. If you are an author wanting your book to be reviewed and advertised here please get in touch via my email I primarily do book tours for Bookouture but have done several blogs for other publishers plus indie authors. Thank you for reading. 

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The Nurse by Jenna Kernan. Review

Book Description: “Can you start right away?” I can hear the desperation in Dr Roth’s voice. He’s longing for someone to look after his...

'The Ex Wives' by Jenna Kernan

Book Description: Two ex-wives. Two missing girls. Will yours be next? Pulling a batch of my husband’s favourite golden oatmeal cookies...

'The Adoption' by Jenna Kernan

Book Description: Your little girl is all yours… isn’t she? Dani and her husband Tate’s life together is almost perfect. But Dani is...

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Kidwelly, UK

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