Book Description
Terry, ten years old, is being bullied at school due to his weight. He particularly hates going to school on Fridays because this is P.E. day.
One Friday , feeling glum as ever at the prospect of going to school , Terry reaches into the fridge for his packed lunch box, and is suddenly pulled into the fridge, thrusted into a magical world where an adventure awaits him. In this strange land that he finds himself in, Terry rides a giant worm, takes the best and worst taxi ride ever , meets a queen and the Tippytappies as well as walking behind the stinking Gobulator all the way to Hope city.
After meeting many more different characters on his journey, Terry has learnt a lot about courage and is ready to stand up to the school bully, with a little help from Theodore the dragon and his four baby dragons.
An inspirational children’s story of hope and bravery!

Review for 'What's In My Fridge?' by Paul Guy Hurrell.
Read and reviewed for John Paul Guy Hurrell, Blossom Spring Publishing and ZooLoos Book Tours.
Publication date 17th June 2022.
This is Paul's debut book.
This is a lovely children's book all about bravery and bullying. I absolutely hate bullies in any form!!! It is just so unnecessary and so many children and adults are affected by it and it has even ended lives. I just wish there was more book like this available for children to read and hopefully understand the consequences of how much words can hurt and learn to become kinder people. It is such an important topic to talk about and the younger the better as children need to realise the importance of kindness from a young age and Paul does this with this lovely and funny children's book so a HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to Paul on weaving such an important topic into such a great children's book! I would have never guessed it was your first book from the fantastic imagination and writing skill. This book tells us the story of Terry who is a ten year old child. Terry hates going to school because of the horrible names he is called there. One morning he is using his usual delaying tactics of going back for his packed lunch he "forgot" when he is dragged into the fridge!!! Terry is then taken on an adventure to meet dragons, a queen, soldiers and much more!! Terry makes new friends on his journey including his guide Polly and a family of dragons Matilda, Theodore, Burnt, Scorch, Ember and Fire. During Terry's adventure he discovers he is beaver than he thinks and is taught many lessons by the Blue Queen that he went on a mission for. Will these lessons help him when he has to return to school? Well, you'll have to grab your copy to find out!! My heart went out to Terry, nobody deserves to be bullied and the fact that my eldest son is the same age as him and imagining Malaki going through this absolute broke my heart and it really impacted with me. Terry is such a kind child and to think of him going through what I have gone through myself is so heartbreaking. I absolutely loved the ending as did Malaki. I absolutely adored this book and genuinely believe that there should be at least one copy kept in every doctor's surgery, nursery, playgroup, school, hospital, library and just, well everywhere!! This book should be read by every child, adult and to every child by an adult!! It is such a simple read but with such an absolutely VITAL message!!! I absolutely love seeing more books like this on the shelf that encourage children to be kind to others. This is such an important message to promote to children at a young age so they can continue to share this message with their friends. This book is recommended for children ages 8 to 18 to read but I think it is suitable for younger children. Malaki really resonated with Terry as he has previously had similar issues in school and he thoroughly enjoyed reading the book and talking about it to his friends. A fantastic book that can be read a chapter a day or all in one sitting which is what we did. I am looking forward to reading more books by this great author!
❤️ Overall a fantastic, brilliantly illustrated book promoting kindness and teaching children about bullying and bravery 💜
Genres covered in this book include Children's Fantasy & Magic Adventure, Children's Sword & Sorcery Fantasy eBooks,
Fantasy & Magic for Children, Fantasy & Magic for Children, Action & Adventure for Children, Literature & Fiction for Children and Children's Fiction amongst others.
90 pages.
This book is just £2.20 to purchase for kindle and £6.63 to purchase in paperback via Amazon at time of review which I think is an absolute bargain for this book!!!
Rated 4/5 (I enjoyed it ) on Goodreads, Instagram, Amazon UK and Amazon US and on over 30 Facebook pages plus my blog on Facebook.
Feel free to add me on Goodreads or follow me on my website or Facebook for more reviews.
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Author Bio
I was born in Leeds, Yorkshire, England in 1960 to a single parent family . I am the youngest of five sidling’s 4 boys and a girl. I was brought up on a council estate and my family had very little , just like many other family’s on the estate at the time.
I attended two schools as I grew up Bentley Lane infants/ junior School and then onto Stainbeck High School. For me school was always hard, mainly because of my absenteeism. I wasn’t ill, it was just my mum didn’t send me (empty nest syndrome). Looking back at my school years there is a good chance I spent more times at home, than I did in school.
I officially left school in 1976 and my first full time job was making special mirror, the ones you see in pubs. I didn’t last long there before I got bored. I had a number of other jobs after that, which I didn’t stay long in any of them. One job I stayed a full day before not going back, but my record for the shortest stay was 4 hours, I walked away from this job after the hourly rate was cut from 90p an hour, down to 70p an hour.
The following year I was forced to take a job, back at Stainbeck High School repairing school desks. While here I met my wife, Beverley. We are still together and have two wonderful grown-up children and three grandchildren.
I worked for Leeds City Council, in the Housing section for 22 years, before retirement. Since retiring I have the time to carry out one of my first loves, writing stories.

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