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'Understanding Attachment Injuries In Children And How To Help' by Catherine A. Young

Book Description

Helping Parents Help their Children!

~ New, Innovative and Practical Strategies! ~

A Must-Read for anyone parenting or caring for a child with a difficult or traumatic early history!

Children who have had difficulties or disruptions in their first, early relationship with their parent or primary caregiver often struggle with attachment injuries. These children frequently come to reject the very things they most need from their parents or caregivers: love and connection. This presents special challenges for parents.

If you are the parent or caregiver of a child with attachment injuries, the ideas in this book will bolster your role as an agent of healing and change for your child. You will find new and innovative concepts and attachment-based strategies to help you help your child. In this book, you will learn:

The underlying dynamics and motivations of attachment-injured children.

How to create safety and build connection with your child.

How to help your child re-story their life in a healthy, adaptive way.

What to look for and what to avoid in therapy for your child.

Practical strategies to reduce and address challenging behavior.

How to understand mental health diagnoses.

Some commonly-used terms related to attachment and child trauma.

Within the pages of this book, you will find many practical and down-to-earth suggestions with examples and insights to guide you along the way. This book focuses on children with attachment injuries, but all parents are likely to find value within!

Discover attachment-based parenting to address mild to sever attachment injuries including developmental trauma and reactive attachment disorder (rad). Adoptive, biological, and foster parents, guardians, kinship, and other caregivers will find new ways of understanding their child, along with useful and revolutionary parenting strategies to heal relational wounds and help their child become emotionally and relationally connected.

They say kids don't come with a manual, but this is the next best thing!

~ WB - parent, life coach, former supervisor and counselor in children's residential treatment


Review for 'Understanding Attachment Injuries In Children And How To Help' by Catherine A. Young

Read and reviewed for Catherine A Young.

Publication date 27th September 2020.

This is the first book I have read by this author.

This book consists of an introduction, 14 chapters and 'Final Thoughts'. The chapters are a mixture of length ranging from short to medium so easy to read 'just one more chapter' before bed...OK, I know yeah right, but still just in case!

The first thing I wish to point about this book is that it is not only useful for parents and caregivers of children with attachment injuries but it is also a wealth of information for parents/carers of any child, parent, teenager and adult! I, personally, think that this book should be read by anyone in a child's life including family, friends, teachers, nursery staff, creche staff, teachers, coaches and more. I love the way it is designed so that you can pick it up and start reading from any of the chapters and if any information is needed from any other chapters then Catherine will guide you to the chapter and section required. Unlike many help books, guidelines and manuals I have come across when it comes to children and mental health this one is written in a way that makes you feel that Catherine is talking to you over a cup of tea. There is also little complex language and when there is it is only when necessary and then explained in layman's terms. At the end of most of the chapters Catherine has included a page and bullet points where the reader can make notes/a plan. These are included at the end of Chapters 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12 and 13. I thought that these extra spaces were a fantastic idea for readers to take what they find the most useful points and write them in their own words and then design a plan.

Throughout the book Catherine gives fantastic examples to the guidance she is giving and I also love the fact that she reiterates that you can only do your best. Catherine also points out that as adults you also need to look after yourself which many similar books show no interest in. I have used some of the techniques that Catherine discusses in this book on my own children, none of which have Attachment Injuries, and I found them to have worked greatly and they have made my life much easier when it comes to getting my children to do their chores etc. I also believe it has improved our relationship as parent and child as there is a lot less stress and a much calmer atmosphere especially during busy periods such as the school run. One of the things I liked immediately about Catherine is that from the start she decides to use "Attachment Injuries" rather than "Attachment Disorder" stating that it seperated the child from the injury and that injuries can heal. I am 1000% agreement with Catherine in this statement and it is true for many other terms given to children and adults with many diagnosis'.

In this book Catherine includes an introduction and then moves onto the chapters which are as follows:

*Overview-Being an agent of change and healing.

*Understanding Attachment and your child

*Healing concepts.

Creating safety

*Building connections

*A new story

*Attachment based therapy

*Understanding behaviour

*Reducing challenging behaviour

*Addressing challenging behaviour

*Getting support


*Attachment & Mental health diagnoses and terms

* Final thoughts.

The book then ends with Attachment based play activities and a list of resources. Under the 'Title' of each chapter is a list of what the chapter covers but I won't go into that. I think the way she has layed even the contents page out is fantastic as it means that any parent/carer, etc can easily pick this book up and go straight to the section that they need help with the most at the time if needed. I especially liked the list of play activities included and have used many of them on my own children with great success and many giggles may I add. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and I have learned so much from it. I believe there should be a copy of this available in every workplace or any areas that deal with children regardless of if they have attachment injuries or not. It should be recommended to every new parent and used in courses. It is an absolutely fantastic guide and I would like to thank Catherine for all the knowledge and help this book written from her expanse of knowledge has provided me with!!

Overall a must read guide for all parents, carers and anyone who works with or is studying children on a course.

Genres covered in this book include Parenting Hyperactive Children & Children with Disabilities, Non Fiction, Family & Lifestyle Child Abuse and Child Development amongst others.

I would recommend this book to the parent or caregiver of a child with attachment injuries and anyone who works in a child setting or with children.

229 pages

This book is just £7.22 to purchase on kindle and £11.04 via Amazon.

Rated 5/5 (I LOVED it ) on Goodreads, Instagram, Amazon UK and Amazon US and on over 30 Facebook pages plus my blog on Facebook.

Feel free to add me on Goodreads or follow me on my website or Facebook for more reviews

@UnderstandingAttachmentInjuriesInChildrenAndHowToHelp @GraniteSwanPress @Bookworm1986 @bookworm86 @CatherineAYoung

Author Bio

Catherine Young, LMFT, is an author, trainer, clinical supervisor, and child and family therapist. She has devoted over 25 years to working with children and families in settings as diverse as early childhood mental health, children's day treatment, foster and adoption agencies, and youth probation. She is the founder of a new therapy model for helping children with some of the most challenging and treatment-resistant behaviors and their families: Multi-Modal Attachment Therapy (M-MAT).

Catherine Young, LMFT, is an author, trainer, consultant, clinical supervisor, child and family therapist and parent. She has devoted over 25 years to helping children and families in settings as varied as children's day treatment, adoption and foster family agencies, child intensive mental health treatment, early childhood mental health, schools, juvenile probation, and private practice.

She is the creator of a new, practical therapy model for helping some of the most challenging children and their families: Multi-Modal Attachment Therapy (M-MAT). In her desire to share her ideas and bring healing to more children and families, she has authored two books: one to share her new therapy model and the other to share her insights into attachment-based parenting.

On THERAPY: M-MAT Multi-Modal Attachment Therapy: Healing Attachment Injuries in Children and Families.

On PARENTING: Understanding Attachment Injuries in Children and How to Help: A Guide for Parents and Caregivers.

For more information:

Purchase Link

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