Book Description
A murder mystery with a twist... we know who the murderer is, but who is the victim?
As reporter Grace investigates the killing of a cyclist, memories of another murder begin to possess her - the murder she committed…
Trying to comes to terms with the crime she believes she has got away with, Grace starts writing her confession. In this twisty-turny domestic thriller, we find out the reasons for the crime of passion that took place on Grace’s wedding day. How each one of four possible victims pushed Grace to her limits, before she pushes one of them to his (or is it “her”?) death from the luxury cruiser where the wedding reception is being held.
Meanwhile, in the peaceful Surrey town where Grace works as a newspaper reporter, there are some strange goings on. Cats go missing, a cyclist dies, and it looks like these events could be connected to an old lady who befriends Grace, called Iris. Could there be two murderesses living within a few streets of each other?
Tricky friends, dark secrets and missing cats abound in this pacey, beautifully observed and funny novel set in a humdrum, English town. It made me laugh out loud. Loved it. Katherine Price

Review for 'The Push Over' by Daney Parker.
Read and reviewed a physical copy for Daney Parker, Amazon publishing and Literally PR.
Publication date 19th April 2023.
This is the first book I have read by this author but I am definitely looking forward to reading more!!!
This novel consists of a prologue, 19 chapters and an epilogue. The chapters are short to medium in length so easy to read 'just one more chapter' before bed...OK, I know yeah right, but still just in case!
This book has an intriguing and uniques storyline which captivated my attention from the very first page to the last word. It is definitely unlike any book I have ever read and is filled with mystery, toxic relationships, friendship, suspense, humour and absolutely everything you could ask for in an intriguing page turner. All of the characters are complex and you have no idea who is telling the truth, who is hiding secrets and who is actually trying to help Grace or who actually cares for her at all. The characters create mixed emotions from anger to humour with everything that they do. The relationships between all of the different characters are thought provoking and it left me questioning how Grace thought that some of these characters could be her so called friends. Throughout the book Grace refers to herself as a murderer but doesn't reveal why immediately. The reader is drip fed information about what happened to lead to certain events through Grace's confessional chapters. I was left guessing throughout and then there is a second character we end up meeting who may or may not also be a killer. There were times where I was laughing until tears streamed down my face, others where I was shouting at certain characters for the way they were and acted and other times I was screaming at Grace for not seeing what was right in front of her!!! I definitely ended up having a few strange looks when I was reading this outside waiting for the kids to come home!!!
It is absolutely ram packed with twists, turns, cats, drama, arguments, romance, humour, drama, secrets, lies, suspense, tension, news and much more with something going on at all times keeping you glued to the pages!!! This is a perfect beach read or one to curl up with in front of a fire. This book is such an easy read with the words flowing I just could not put it down. This book had me on the edge of my seat but also had me laughing until I got some very strange looks from my partner so make sure your not walking around or near the public when reading, especially when drinking tea!!! Some of the goings on and characters had me in absolute stitches!!! The characters were an eclectic mix, each having their own unique personalities. They all had their own quirks and habits and all work perfectly together to create this fantastic storyline. I must admit there were several that I could not stand but you can't like everyone in a book as with real life and regardless of whether you love or hate them they were all needed to make this book as intriguing as it is!!! Needless to say each character was realistic and were all in the storyline for a reason and not just added to bulk the book up. A fantastic gang of characters that all come to life with Daney's fantastic evocative writing skills.
Make sure you read to the very end of the book to read an extract from Daney's 'Deady' which promises to be just as intriguing as this book and one I'm looking forward to reading myself!
Overall an intriguing, page turning, cosy domestic confessional which will keep you hooked throughout.
283 pages.
This book is just £2.99 to purchase on kindle and £7.99 in paperback via Amazon (at time of review) which I think is an absolute bargain for this book!!!
Rated 4/5 (I enjoyed it ) on Goodreads, Instagram, Amazon UK and Amazon US and on over 30 Facebook pages plus my blog on Facebook.
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Author Bio
Daney has enjoyed working with words for as long as she can remember. Her career has mainly been working as a journalist for magazines, but her passion is making up stories. There is always some truth in the novels she writes - for example, in The Push Over the wedding reception is held on the same boat that Daney had her wedding reception on. Thank goodness, though, no one died during the real wedding party.
As well as writing, Daney likes chatting and has a habit of getting people to reveal their deepest, darkest secrets. So if you ever meet up with her, be careful what you reveal.
Daney writes in the Isle of Wight, has two children, one husband and two cats. You can read more of Daney's writing at

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Fantastic review!