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The Other Side Of Fear by Eoghan Egan. Review

Book Description

Nothing will ever be the same again

Sharona Waters is determined to dig into loan shark Dessie Dolan's business and see him brought to justice. But when a young woman she's only briefly met goes missing, a much darker story emerges.

Pulled into the ruthless world of people trafficking - a world built on violent brutality and sudden death - Sharona finds herself caught between crime and conscience, pursued by powerful and ruthless criminals, and just one bad decision away from having her whole world crash down.

Sometimes, the only way forward is to risk everything, no matter the cost.


Review for 'The Other Side Of Fear' by Eoghan Egan.

Read and reviewed for Eoghan Egan, City Stone Publishing and Zooloo's Book Tours.

Publication date 6th April 2023

This is the second book I have read by this author. It is also the second book in the 'Ganestown Crime Series' but can be read as a standalone. I have also read the first book in this series which is called 'Hiding In Plain Sight' which I would also recommend.

I was originally drawn to this book by its fantastic eye catching cover and its intriguing synopsis and title. I also enjoyed the first book in this series 'Hiding In Plain Sight' and am looking forward to seeing if this book is just as good! I must admit I was also biased due to the publisher being City Stone Publishing. I have yet to read a book published by City Stone Publishing that I haven't enjoyed. Hopefully this won't be the first... Watch this space! (Written before I started reading the book).

This novel consists of 9 chapters.

'The Other Side Of Fear' discusses some topics that may upset some readers or may not be suitable for others. I like to point this out ahead of time in my reviews so you can judge if this book is for you or not. In this book Eoghan discusses/includes human trafficking, drugs, addiction and Alzheimer's.

This book is written in third person perspective and the main protagonists are Hugh Fallon, Ferdia and Sharona Walters. The benefits of third person perspective with multiple protagonists are that it let's you see the bigger picture of what's going on and you get to know more characters more, what they are thinking and what they are doing. It feels like you get to see the whole picture and not miss out in anything.

The first thing I have got to bring up when writing about this book has got to be the layout of the chapters!! The chapters are all written in "mini sections" according to the part of the day the action is going on, e.g. morning, evening, night. This is only the second time I have seen this in any book that I have read, the first being 'Hiding In Plain Sight (Book 1 in this series), and considering I have read hundreds that is saying something!! I absolutely loved it as it really gives the reader the perspective of timelines and when everything is going on which helps to bring the story to life.This book takes off straight from where 'Hiding In Plain Sight' ends and Eoghan ensures that you are taken on a ride of twists, turns, shocks, murder, suspense, mystery, tension, violence and so much more!! I enjoyed the first book in this series but did find it to be a slower starter than this one did. This book starts straight into the middle of the 'action' so to say. It touches on topics that include prostitution, murder, crime, human trafficking Alzheimer's, business, gambling, relationship problems among others. there are several storylines going on together and Eoghan manages to weave them perfectly together without causing any confusion to the reader. It has got quite a bit of gore, brutality and $3xu@l scenes so if you are sensitive to any of those or looking for an easy read then this is not the book for you!! However, if you have a strong stomach and enjoy action packed books with dark subjects then grab your copy today!!! I absolutely loved the Irish atmosphere, surroundings, characters and dialogue included throughout which again ensures realism for the reader. It is a perfect addition to what is promising to be addictive series and I cant wait to get stuck in to the next book in this series. I rated the first book 4/5 which I give to a book I enjoyed but this one is getting a 5/5 as it is much faster paced with more action. For me, this goes to show that Eoghan is improving as he continues to writes and I really cannot wait to see what he has up his sleeves for us next!! This is a multi-layered psychological thriller filled with action that will definitely keep the readers glued to the pages absorbing it all in one sitting. I just could not put this one down and was hooked from the beginning to the end and I am looking forward to the rest of Eoghan's books!!

Although this is the second book in the series I had would have had absolutely no problems reading it without the others. Any details or events that have previously happened are mentioned in just the right amount of detail to let a new reader know what has happened and yet not too much to bore a previous reader. The characters are all well rounded, strong, realistic and seem to leap out of the pages at the reader. The main characters are Hugh, Ferdia and Sharona and we get to see what is going on through their eyes. I enjoyed meeting them all again along with many other characters. This book, like book one, has also got a lot of characters but I found it much easier to understand who is who more in this book having met the majority of them in book one so although this book can be read as a standalone I would recommend reading Hiding From Plain Sight first so you can understand the characters relationships and see the character development from the start. I enjoyed getting to know more about each of our main characters in this book and my heart was in my throat on so many occasions and for so many different reasons. My heart still aches for poor Hugh from the first book as he still struggles with his mothers Alzheimer's diagnosis. My grandparents both suffered with this cruel disease so many parts of this book really hit home for me. While my heart went out to Hugh for all the emotional stress he was going through along with everything else that was going on my heart was pounding for Sharona and Ferdia with all the danger they were in. They are all likeable, realistic and well rounded characters that I am enjoying getting to know more and more about i n each of these books and I cannot wait to 'meet' them all again in the next book in this gripping series. They are slowly becoming like family to me and the more danger they are in the faster my heart beats and the more on the edge of my seat I find myself!! Regardless of whether you love or hate the characters they each come together to make this an absolutely fantastic crime thriller that just keeps giving and I cannot wait to meet the main characters again in the next book!

Overall a chilling, action packed, psychological thriller that will keep you turning the pages.

Genres covered in this novel include Mystery, Suspense, Tension, Serial Killers, Murder Fiction, Hard-Boiled Mystery, International Mystery & Crime, Crime Thriller, Crime Fiction, Psychological Thriller, Serial Killer Thriller, Psychological Fiction, Murder Thriller, Suspense Thriller, Serial Killers and Murder amongst others.

I would recommend this book to the fans of the above as well as to anyone looking for a fantastic action packed psychological thriller.

370 pages

This book is just £2.49 on kindle, free with kindle unlimited and £8.99 in paperback (at time of review) via Amazon which I think is an absolute bargain for this book!!!

Rated 5/5 (I loved it ) on Goodreads, Instagram, Amazon UK and Amazon US and on over 30 Facebook pages plus my blog on Facebook.

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Author Bio

A native of Co. Roscommon, Ireland, Eoghan wrote his first story aged nine.

At college, he studied Computer Programming, works in Sales Management & Marketing, but his passion for reading and writing remains.

Eoghan’s work got shortlisted for the 2018 Bridport Short Story Prize, and Listowel’s 2019 Bryan McMahon Short Story Award Competition. His novel was a contender in literary agent David Headley’s opening chapter Pitch Competition, and during March 2019 and April 2021, Eoghan’s entries won Litopia’s prestigious Pop-Up Submissions.

A graduate of Maynooth University’s Creative Writing Curriculum, and Curtis Brown’s Edit & Pitch Your Novel Course, Eoghan divides his time between Roscommon, Dublin and Southern Italy.

The first in his trilogy of crime fiction novels, Hiding in Plain Sight was released in 2020. Book two, The Other Side of Fear was published in 2022. Book three is due for publication in January 2024.

When he’s not writing, Eoghan can be found at literary festivals or headbanging at heavy metal gigs.

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