Book Description
Poppy the golden retriever returns with her younger sister, Devon, in another crazy cream adventure.
When a family of rabbits are driven from their home, Poppy and Devon make it their mission to help.
Their quest takes them to Childer’s Forest, the site of ancient and mysterious events. When the safety of their human brother, Jack, is also threatened, Poppy and Devon call on the famous Legend of Childer’s Forest for help.

Review for 'The Legend Of Childer's Forest' by Gillian Young.
Read and reviewed for Gillian Young, Wyre Owl Books and Literally PR.
Publication date 16th November 2023.
This is the first book I have read by this author but it most definitely won't be my last. It is also the second book in Gillian's 'Crazy Cream Adventures' series but can be read as a standalone.
This book consists of a prologue, 29 chapters and an epilogue. The chapters are short to medium in length so easy to read 'just one more chapter' before bed...OK, I know yeah right, but still just in case!!
Well done Gillian on an absolutely gorgeous, action packed page turning read that I just could not put down!!!
I absolutely adored this unique one of a kind storyline!!! This book tells the story of Poppy and Devon going on an amazing adventure to save the rabbit colony and their human brother Jack, making friends along the way and running into danger. I am a huge believer that animals are extremely clever and more compassionate than many people I know, they pick up on how you are feeling and, like babies and children that cannot talk, are unable to communicate or comfort their owners verbally but do so in ways they are able such as giving cuddles and licks to their pawrents and each other. I absolutely loved that their family are described as pawrents and grandparents!!! This book really does take you on an immersive adventure filled with mystery, danger, magic, animals and so much more!!!! Although this is the second book in the series I had absolutely no problems reading it without the others. Any details or events that have previously happened are mentioned in just the right amount of detail to let a new reader know what has happened and yet not too much to bore a previous reader.
I absolutely LOVE that this book is told from the view point of the family petsvbecause who has never wondered what their pets would say if they could talk or wondered what they are thinking? I most certainly have and I must say that the way Gillian has written Poppy and Devin's perspectives is surreally identical to how I believe a family pet would think and feel in these circumstances with feelings of insecurity, worry, curiosity, doubt and loyalty. Along with the members of the family we get to know we also meet Boxer and Teddy the cats, Boss, Buck, Conni and Bunny the rabbits, a helpful buzzard and many other woodland creatures along with a mythical one. This book will take you on an amazing adventure that will stay with you for a long time!!! I must say I would absolutely LOVE to be able to know what on earth all my Golden Oldies Cat rescue and hospice cats are thinking and feeling!!! I mean I honestly just absolutely loved him!!! I am a HUGE animal lover myself (well I'd have to be to own a cat rescue 😂)and any books with animals playing main characters is a HUGE bonus for me and Popp and Devon are absolute treasures that I wont be forgetting any time soon !! There was no way I could put this gorgeous book down until I had finished it. Any time I picked it up and even though I kept telling myself just one more chapter I just could not put it down as every time I went to something happened which meant I had to read just one more again until I ended up reading it in one sitting having been glued to my book for a few hours!! This book really is an absolutely gorgeous must read that I would recommend to anyone and everyone and I would love to see it turned into a movie!! I must add that I also loved the historical information included and the fact that Gillian has done her research absolutely shines through so a huge well done Gillian. It is a pet hate of mine when an author doesn't do any research on their chosen topics and it can spoil a good book with unnecessary errors. I am definitely looking forward to meeting Poppy and gang in the first book in this series which is called 'Poppy On Safari'!!
Clear your schedules and get ready to go on an amazing adventure into Childer's Forest!!! Congratulations Gillian on an absolutely fantastic adventure filled with emotion, amazing animals adventure and fun! Here is to your next guaranteed success 🥂
Overall a beautiful, emotional and unique book that captivates the readers imagination and sucks them into the adventures at Childer's Forest.
352 pages
This book is just £3.99 to purchase on kindle, free with kindle unlimited and £10.99 in paperback via Amazon at time of review which I think is a bargain for this book.
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Author Bio
Gillian Young was born and raised in Worcestershire, UK.
She's written and illustrated four children's middle-grade books: POPPY ON SAFARI, TAMMY AND WILLOW, POPPY LOVES DEVON and THE LEGEND OF CHILDER'S FOREST. Three of these books are part of the Crazy Cream Adventure Series, which follows the antics of Poppy, the crazy cream retriever. The title for this series comes from Poppy's Instagram account called; @crazy.cream.retrievers.x
Gillian has been both a book and dog lover for most of her life. Each dog has it's own unique personality and this is what inspired Gillian to write engaging, feel-good stories staring these amazing canine 'furriends'. Gillian also enjoys drawing and photography, both of which are featured in her books. Thanks to her thousands upon thousands of photographs, she creates drawings from these images and incorporates them into her books.
Following on from Poppy on Safari and Poppy Loves Devon, Gillian has just released another in the Crazy Cream Adventure series, a spooky tale entitled, The Legend of Childer's Forest. She is also working on a supernatural thriller which will hopefully be released in 2024.
Her stand alone children's middle-grade book, Tammy and Willow focuses on the struggles faced when a beloved pet dies. This book follows both Hannah and her border collie, Tammy. Both are suffering due to changes neither asked for nor wanted. Following her death, Tammy finds herself in a world where no one can see or hear her - until a puppy joins her family. Finally, with help from the puppy, Tammy finds a way to communicate with Hannah again.
In her spare time, Gillian likes walking her golden retrievers, Poppy and Devon, around the forest, going to castles, cathedrals and other places steeped in history, and sitting back in front of the log burner with a good book and a glass wine.
Gillian is represented by LitPR. Her author journey has seen her appear on radio, in magazines and give talks and book signings in bookshops and schools with the star of the Crazy Cream Adventures - Poppy🐾

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