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The Highlander's Bridal Bid by Nicole Locke. Extract and Competition

Check out this absolutely gorgeous looking and sounding book!!! I'm gutted I couldn't squeeze a review in but read on for an extract!

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Book Description

Finding his future wife

Means revisiting his past…

After making a pact with his brother to find a bride by the year’s end, warrior Camron of Clan

Graham faces his toughest battle yet: to win defiant Anna, his first love. She’s fiercely protective of

her family and her independence, so Highlander Camron must prove to Anna that she’s more than

just a bet—and that he’s a man she can trust with her safety and her heart!


Scotland, 1297

Camron of Clan Graham fell under Anna’s spell when he was a boy of ten. As fate would

have it, Anna was five years older than him, and Camron watched her fall in love and

heartbreak with another man. Untrusting now, Anna has sworn off men, but though he’s spent

many years away, whenever Camron is near, he can’t help but watch the woman who

bewitched him all those years ago. Now, with war about to break, will Camron wait? This

extract is between his twin brother Hamilton and him during the wee hours after a

celebratory night upon their return to the Clan.

Camron’s stomach roiled. ‘Why did we drink mead?’

‘Because we were both still standing?’ Hamilton said.

‘Did Murdag drink with us?’

‘She was long gone by the time you poured the sweet nectar.’ Hamilton snorted. ‘Seoc was

still here... I think.’

He’d better have been. ‘We need to get to our beds so we can sleep.’

‘Too late for that. The sun rises.’

Camron peeled open his heavy lids. The darkness of night was a grey now. He’d be cursed to

a day of churning bile, constant thirst and exhaustion. Maybe that would be enough

distraction to avoid Anna for another day.

The pang in his chest at that thought was evidence enough his intention wouldn’t hold. It was

an ache to avoid her, but even more to see her and not have her.

With a slap to his thighs, Hamilton stood. ‘Well, I’ll call it a draw on who won, but be

warned, brother, I won’t back down or draw on the challenge we set for ourselves today.’

Arm tingling, his entire body protesting, Camron pushed off the log.

‘Was it a bet that we can stand?’ Camron said. ‘Because I’ll declare you the winner so I can

lie down until I’m dragged out of bed by whomever dares interrupt my sleep.’

‘Fine idea for you to sleep,’ Hamilton said with too much glee. A sure sign he didn’t drink as

much of Seoc’s mead as Camron had. But also a certainty that he was up something.

Camron stumbled to the nearest tree, unlaced his breeches and quickly relieved himself.

‘Why the glee about when I sleep? Did you put thistles in my bed?’

With that pressing concern out of the way, he turned to his brother, who was lacing up his

own breeches.

Hamilton always did that differently than him. How could no one tell them apart?

‘Because whilst you sleep,’ Hamilton said, ‘I’ll have a head start on wooing the woman I


The woman he loved. Now he knew his brother jested about Murdag.

‘Have a fine time,’ he said, knowing he’d be better off sleeping.

‘Time doesn’t matter...except for you,’ Hamilton said. ‘Don’t you believe you’ve waited long


There was that reflective tone again.

‘What are you talking about?’

Hamilton’s grin turned crooked. ‘Oh, come now, you won’t get out of the bet by forgetting

about it. Not this one, not now. I have finally pushed you into a corner to do something, and

after seeing her in that thin chemise, I’ll have to be more persistent in my wooing of Murdag,

too. I couldn’t be the only one to notice those hips in the firelight. This is just what we need

to begin.’

Did his brother want to pursue Anna’s sister in truth? Something clanged inside Camron.

Some warning, like a sword slap to the gut, or a fist to his temple. Hard. Jarring. Dangerous

to health and well-being.

‘What exactly do we need to begin?’

Hamilton grin turned to laughter before he winced. Camron felt satisfaction at that. Maybe

his brother had drunk as much as him after all.

‘You truly forgot about the bet?’ Hamilton said. ‘Oh, this is good. Far too good.’

‘Tell me what bet.’ He had no patience for his brother’s games today when he intended to lie

in his bed until evening’s meal.

Hamilton wagged his finger. ‘You’re not getting out of it. Not this time, ’cause if you do,

I’ll...tell her of all the maudlin years you’ve wished for her. No! I’ll tell her we made the bet.

Then she’ll not want anything to do with you.’

There was only ever one her. ‘What is it you’ve done?’

‘Not me. You wanted this. You made the challenge,’ Hamilton said.

He never made challenges...or almost always never. And he couldn’t back down when his

brother was this deadly serious. Though Hamilton’s eyes shone with some tricks, that

reflective tone was still there underneath the challenge.


‘Swear an oath.’ Hamilton’s eyes narrowed, all humour gone. ‘Tell me you swear to uphold

the bet. Tell me or I will ruin any chance you have with her. It’s been long enough. There is no more time. You heard the council—you know what comes our way, what comes every

Highlander’s way.’

‘Tell. Me. About. The. Bet.’

‘You bet that you’d marry before me.’

‘Marry before you?’ Camron said. ‘What are you...? Who are you to marry?’

‘Murdag. I’ll marry Murdag.’ Hamilton gave a swift grin. ‘Which is perfect, since you swore

before we left again to marry her sister—’

‘Anna,’ Camron said.

Author Bio

Nicole first discovered romance novels hidden in her grandmother’s closet. Convinced hidden books

must be better, Nicole greedily read them. It was only natural she should start writing them (but now

not so secretly). If she isn’t working on the next book in her historical series, she can’t be found. No,

seriously. Because she’s always working on the next story!

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