Book Description
The Beastly Baron is not a nice man. He shouts too much and doesn’t keep his promises.
When he breaks his word to the Warty Witch though, things go very badly for him.
Then they get much, much worse!
Follow the Baron as his day goes from bad to worse. Meet the Warty Witch of the Wild Western Woods, whose attempts to teach the Baron a lesson go very wrong.
Marvel at the never-ending appetite of the Greedy Goat of the Glen as she bites off rather more than she can stomach. And cheer on Greta as she struggles to find a way to save her brother Hal from the sticky clutches of the Gossamer Green Ghost.

Review for 'The Beastly Baron Of Beaux Bottom' by Jeremy Hullah and illustrated by Zsuzsa.
Read and reviewed a hardback copy for Jeremy Hullah, Zsuzsa, Digit Publications, Netgalley and Literally PR.
Publication date: 1st August 2023
This is the first book we have read by this author but it definitely won't be out last!!!
We all really enjoyed this absolutely fantastic and beautiful illustrated children's book as a family. The storyline is unique which is very difficult to find when it comes to children's books!!! It is a humourous story but also has an important message about being kind and keeping your promises which I think is a great message to have in all children's books. It would be a fantastic book to have in all libraries, schools, nurseries, at home and anywhere where children can access the book as being kind is one of the most important messages to teach children with everything happening in the world at the moment. There were so many laugh out loud moments in this book and the illustrations were absolutely brilliant and also had us all giggling away. This book tells us the story of the Beastly Baron Of Beaux Bottom who really is beastly and rude. He gets lost one day and asks the Warty Witch for help and promises her something for the favour. However being beastly be breaks his promises and the Warty Witch teaches him a lesson!!! Along the way we meet, as well as the Warty Witch, Major Mountjoy, butler Baxter, discover the wild western woods, the Greedy goat of the glen, the Gossamer green ghost and many more. As you can see this book is filled with alliteration which not only is something the Beastly Baron hates but is another fantastic teaching lesson for children hidden within a fun story!!! I love the fact that not only is this book fun, beautifully written and fantastically illustrated but also that it is filled with important messages and morals for children and adults alike which is a huge bonus for myself as a mum when it comes to books!!! The illustrations are absolutely brilliant, eye catching and with loads of objects to point out, describe and discuss with your children. It really is a fun humour filled book that would make a fantastic gift or stocking filler for a child to read and perfect with Christmas just around the corner. It wasn't just myself that enjoyed reading it but my 10 year old son and also one of my 6 year old twin boys. It was written in a way that is easy for children and adults to read and we all took it in turns to read a page (my other twin boy is non-verbal, they both have autism). We read a hardback copy which is beautifully designed with quality thick and glossy pages.
Malaki and Hunter loved looking and naming all the different items in the background. We had lots of fun naming all the different things that the children could see in the photos and naming all the objects. It is a fantastic book and I would say it is suitable for any child and adult from 5 years and older. This book is lovely and short and can be a quick read or be made into a fun long read whichever the reader wishes. The font is a nice style and size making it easy for adults and children to see and read too which is definitely a bonus as I have struggled with some fonts that authors have used in children's books in the past. It would be a great book for children to be read to by their teachers in school as well as friends and family members. Let your children's imaginations come alive with this amazing, fun and unique book. I am looking forward to reading more books by Jeremy Hullah to my children and hope that he is busy writing and Zsuzsa illustrating the next one already!
My 10 year old son Malaki had this to say about this book:
I really loved reading this book. I think the storyline was very good and teaches children to be kind and to always keep your promises which is a very good lesson. I thought it was extremely funny especially when the Baron turned into Gossamer Green Ghost!!! That was definitely my favourite part and I laughed loads!!! I definitely think he got what he deserved then!!! It was good that he was a different person at the end to how he was at the beginning, much kinder and I think he definitely learnt his lesson!! I also liked all the alliteration which made it even more funny like the Warty Witch and the Greedy Goat but the baron hated the names which was even funnier as there were so many if them!!! It was a really fun and funny story and the pictures were really bright and colourful!!! I really enjoyed reading it to my brothers who are 6 year old and loved showing them the pictures which they liked too.
Amazon rates this book suitable for children 6-12 years old. I would rate from 5 to 13 years old to adults!!!
Congratulations Jeremy Hullah on writing an absolutely fantastic book and Zsuzsa for the absolutely brilliant illustrations. Here is to both of your next success'!! 🥂
Overall a beautifully illustrated, fun, humorous children's book with a lesson to be learnt!
112 pages
This book is just £3.99 to purchase on kindle, £8.99 in paperback and £13.99 in hardback via Amazon at time of review which I think is a bargain for this book.
Rated 5/5 ( We all loved it ) on Goodreads, Instagram, Amazon UK and Amazon US and on over 30 Facebook pages plus my blog on Facebook.
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Author Bio
Jeremy Hullah grew up in the rural Midlands, where he spent a lot of time dreaming about being a pianist or a writer, or something equally unachievable without the required level of effort. After proving beyond all doubt that education was not something that came naturally, he moved to Twickenham where he worked on building sites for a few years before retraining in IT. Now, many years later, he works for a bank in the City, writing books on the train to and from his home in East Sussex, where he spends whatever time is left cycling around the countryside, dreaming up ideas for new books to keep his two boys entertained.

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