Check out this absolutely gorgeous looking and sounding book!!! I'm gutted I couldn't squeeze a review in but read on for an extract!
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Book Description
Becki is fifty and a single mum to eleven-year-old Jemima, after being widowed five years ago.
Dan is forty-eight and a single dad to eleven-year-old Freddie, after his wife left him five years
They have both given up on love.
But when they all go to Silver Sands Bay on the Lincolnshire coast for the summer, will they be
able to put the past behind them and find love again?

Author Bio
I was born in Lincoln, England in 1969. I loved writing from an early age, being the
daughter of two journalists. I am a mum to five children and have three grandchildren. I have had
over twenty books published and have written about a variety of topics including motherhood,
poetry, Doctor Who and gymnastics. My first novel Welcome to Whitlock Close came out in 2022
and my second one Starting Again in Silver Sands Bay in 2023.

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