Title: Mirror, Mirror
Author: David Allott
Genres: Non-Fiction
Publication date: 23rd September 2023
Availability: PB & EB
ISBN: 9781399935166
Price: PB £12.99, EB £6.99
Media folder & enquiries: bit.ly/DavidAllotPR /info@literallypr.com

Book Description
The true cost of anything is the price we pay for the alternative.
David and Margaret's story is, sadly, not unique. Margaret was diagnosed with Alzheimer's in early 2018. This is the real-life story of the husband and wife's journey to seek support and care over the past few years. David shares their experience of dementia "care" so that anyone caring for - or living with - dementia can learn from what happened to them, and hopefully avoid the many obstacles, challenges and pitfalls that they had to overcome. One in every 14 people aged 65+ have dementia, that's around 900,000 people, and the numbers are increasing rapidly every year. This book is an invaluable resource for anyone embarking on the journey to seek care and support for their loved one once symptoms of dementia set in. From getting a diagnosis to getting the right kind of support for them - and you - written with raw passion and from the heart, Mirror, Mirror is dedicated to the memory of Margaret. And to help every other person feeling lost right now.

Review for 'Mirror Mirror' by David Allott.
Read and reviewed for David David, Literally PR, NetGalley and INK! School Of Publishing.
Publication date 24th September 2023
This is David's debut book.
This novel consists of a dedication, preface and 15 chapters. The chapters are medium in length so easy to read 'just one more chapter' before bed...OK, I know yeah right, but still just in case!
'Mirror Mirror' discusses some topics that may upset some readers or may not be suitable for others. I like to point this out ahead of time in my reviews so you can judge if this book is for you or not. In this book David discusses dementia and Alzheimer's.
I will start by saying that this isn't my usual chosen genre but I'm an eclectic reader and happy to read most books. I have got to admit that this book wasn't what I thought it was at all. I thought it may have just been myself reading the synopsis incorrectly but after asking my partner to read it too he was of the same opinion I was. We both thought it was going to be more of a diary type book where David speaks about his day to day experiences with caring for his wife Margaret. However, I believe the best way I can sum this book up is that it is how to apply for NHS CHC (Continuing Health Care) and of the obstacles that you may come across and of David's experiences in this. It has been written in a way where David's passion shines through and you can read his emotions in his words and the way he describes his experiences. It is a book that would have been of great use to myself and my parents when my Nan and Grandad were both diagnosed with dementia and my parents and the rest of the family were looking into the care options available. It is also useful information to retain and a handy book to keep for the future for when others I know are diagnosed, as sadly one in every fourteen people ages 65+ are. The book consists of 15 chapters and each deals with different topics that someone in the position of caring for someone with dementia will have to deal with. These topics are Insurance, Knowledge And Experience, Justice Or Injustice, NHS Continuing Care, Who Really Pays, Trying To Find Solutions, The Things You Need To Know And Do, The Use Of Professional Legal Services, Our Experiences From The Start Of This Terrible Journey, The Multi-Disciplinary Assessment For NHS CHC Funding, Who Pays: Self Funding Or Social Services?, People's Rights And Who Really Knows What About CHC Funding, My Hopes And Aspirations For The Future, Joining The Fight And Spreading The Word and Some Additional Food For Thought. I did find that many facts, figures and complaints were repeated several times unnecessarily and that the book could be a lot shorter of these repetitions were removed. However, it did also contain many intriguing and disappointing facts and figures in regards to support. I was also disgusted by the way David was spoken to and the lies he was told by those in trusted authorities and it is worrying how little those with dementia and those caring for them are prioritised by those in these so called care industries. Some of the things written by David I disagree with and we wouldn't be human if we agreed with everything one another stated but there were also many things that agreed or resonated with me from experience with my grandparents. This book is definitely worth picking up and reading but on the basis you understand it is more of a guidance book on how to deal with applications, obstacles and more when applying for NHS CHC than a personal diary of experiences living with someone with dementia.
303 pages
This book is just £6.99 to purchase on kindle and £12.99 in paperback at time of review via Amazon which I think is an absolute bargain for this book!!!
Rated 4/5 (I enjoyed it ) on Goodreads, Instagram, Amazon UK and Amazon US and on over 30 Facebook pages plus my blog on Facebook.
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Author Bio
David Allott learned his trade in Hotel and Catering Management at Blackpool Catering College. It was a short time after this, whilst working as a Senior Assistant Manager in a newly opened large restaurant in Levenshume that he met Margaret, who was soon to be, his lifelong and forever loved partner of over 51 years. They were married in December 1971 and embarked on a joint career in Hotel Management. Over the years, David and Margaret lived and worked in all three home nations, as well as spending three years in the USA. David's book Mirror Mirror is not only a record of this final chapter in Margaret's life, but is written in honour and remembrance of her, and in the hope that it will be of help to others who also must travel this long and lonely road, whilst at the same time throwing a spotlight of the disgraceful conduct of all those involved in trying to deprive the most needy people in society of their legal rights.

Purchase Links
Amazon UK: https://amzn.eu/d/cJo0oiA
Amazon US: https://a.co/d/dVi06ka
