Book Description
His thirst for revenge could cost him everything . Jack Stone was just 13 years old when he witnessed the brutal death of his older brother. As he enters adulthood Jack is filled with anger, unresolved trauma and suicidal thoughts plague his every waking moment. Supported by his parents he seeks help and forms a close bond with his psychotherapist, Roisin. Together they explore the crippling guilt he feels surrounding his brother's death. To manage his aggression Jack joins a boxing gym where his trainer, Pete, believes he has potential and guides him to success. He finds love with childhood friend Kirsten. His world is complete at the birth of his son. But when the unthinkable happens Jack is forced to return to his dark past and confront his demons once and for all.

Book Extract
June 11th – 2 pm
Thirteen-year-old Jack Stone gazed across the water before deciding not to go in. On a scorching hot June summer’s day, it was tempting, inviting even. The water that filled the old brickworks would be cold but welcoming in this heat. A gentle breeze swept across the lake causing a ripple on the surface. There were not many challenges Jack would back out of but when it came to water his choice was made easier. He couldn’t swim far and hated deep water. He would not be attempting the challenge set before him by his friends. This one was a step too far.
Not all of Jack’s friends shared his fear.
Shawn and Martin were the first to go in. They made their way to the island in the middle of the lake. Both were confident swimmers and had the added bravery of youth.
They were almost halfway across when, as if in slow motion and completely out of character, Sam, Jack’s older brother, walked past him. As Sam stepped into the lake, Jack noticed a cloud of muddy water come to the surface. Sam had not once indicated he was going in when the friends were first daring each other. Now, he simply set off, as if on autopilot, to catch up with his two equally dauntless friends.
Horror filled Jack’s body. A sickening feeling brewed up from within. ‘Where ‘ya going, Sam? You won’t make that,’ Jack said, half-heartedly. He was confused at his brother’s decision to go in. He didn’t want to come across like he was telling a sixteen-year-old what to do, especially in front of any of their friends, but felt he had to say something. He was thinking about what their mum and dad would say. They would go mad if they knew.
Neither brother was a strong swimmer. They’d never had lessons. Swimming wasn’t an interest in their family. Their experience was limited to what they had learned from rare swimming trips at school, or the odd dip in the sea with their family on days out to the south coast of England.
While Jack stood helplessly watching, he was hoping and praying that his brother’s confidence and bravery would be rewarded.
Lee was the only other friend who didn’t go in. Jack looked back at Lee and froze. Was he thinking the same thing, that the other would make Sam stop?
Jack was a month away from his fourteenth birthday and before this day he wanted so much to grow up quickly. He wanted to be like his big brother, but standing on the bank of this lake, he had never felt so young.
Shawn was near to the safety of the island. He was strong. He might be only fifteen, but he had the body and strength of an adult. Martin started to struggle. He’d stopped moving forward. Jack watched him treading water. He heard him gasp, ‘Shawn, I can’t make it, please…’ This was all he said. He probably couldn’t catch his breath to say anything more.
Jack watched as Sam caught up with Martin. He heard Sam call out, ‘Get on me.’ Sam wanted to help him but as he tried to swim with Martin hanging onto him, the enormity that he couldn’t do it must have hit him.
‘Get off, Martin, I can’t,’ he begged. ‘Martin, get off.’
Jack could see that Martin couldn’t get any further without help. He couldn’t let go. Self-preservation had set in for them both. They started thrashing hard against each other. They both went under the water. They reappeared, gulping for valuable air as they panicked. Their lives were being pulled away from them.
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Author Bio
Born in Dorking, Surrey England.
I love stories, whether it be in film, book, or music. If it moves me emotionally, then I am sold. As a child I used books or films to escape reality, in fact I probably still do. My happy place is the cinema.
My favourite genre is psychological thriller, I prefer a story that is emotionally driven, the darker the better. But I am happy to be recommended a good book in any genre. My favourite work of fiction is One Day by David Nicholls and my favourite non-fiction is Stephen King’s On Writing.
I am a huge sports fan. I love boxing, MMA and football. These days I am coaching football rather than playing. I love watching live sport, you might see me at the Meadowbank stadium watching my local team Dorking Wanderers, The London stadium watching West Ham or at Wembley watching England.
Favourite holiday destinations are Woolacombe in Devon, Florida, Vegas and Thailand.
I enjoy going jogging and going the gym, but I also like a drink and a takeaway so the two probably count each other out. I’m far from perfect.
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