Book Description
Hunter by name – Hunter by nature.
Can DI Hunter Wilson keep Edinburgh safe when he is the hunted?
Detective Inspector Hunter Wilson is woken in the early hours of the morning by a call from his son. Cameron’s flatmate has been murdered.
Why would anybody want to kill a young woman recently arrived in the city?Hunter must call in the new Major Incident Team (MIT), however his ability to be involved in the case is severely compromised when someone from his past resurfaces with revenge on their mind
When Hunter goes missing, and his team struggle to find the clues they need to locate hm. Who would want to stop Hunter in his tracks?
Meanwhile, Hunter's team must also work closely with the MIT and with or without him, solve the murder in this taut crime thriller.

Review for 'Hunter's Force' by Val Penny.
Read and reviewed for ZooLoos Book Tours, Spellbound Books and Val Penny.
Publication date 25th January 2023.
This is the third book I have read by this author. It is also the third book in the 'DI Hunter Wilson Crime Thriller' series but can be read as a standalone. I have also read 'Hunter's Chase' which is the first book in the series and 'Hunter's Revenge' which is the second book in the series and I would highly recommend them.
I was originally drawn to this book by its eye catching cover and intriguing sounding synopsis and title. I also love Val's books and if this is half as good as 'Hunter's Chase' it is guaranteed to be a page turner!! It is probably one of the weirdest reasons to want to read a book but another reason I was drawn to it is because the main protagonist is called Hunter and Hunter is in the title and sons name is Hunter!! I must admit I was also biased due to the publisher being Spellbound Books. I have yet to read a book published by Spellbound Books that I haven't enjoyed. Hopefully this won't be the first... Watch this space! (Written before I started reading the book).
This novel consists of 50 chapters and an epilogue. The chapters are short to medium in length so possible to read 'just one more chapter' before bed...OK, I know yeah right, but still just in case!
This book is based in Edinburgh, Scotland 🏴, UK 🇬🇧. The bonus for me of books that are partly or fully based in the UK is that I live in the UK and have sometimes visited places mentioned in the book which makes it easier to picture.
This book is written in third person perspective with the main protagonist being DI Hunter Wilson. The benefits of third person perspective with multiple protagonists are that it let's you see the bigger picture of what's going on and you get to know more characters more, what they are thinking and what they are doing. It feels like you get to see the whole picture and not miss out in anything.
This book is extremely well written with vivid descriptions that really set the scene and kept me on the edge of my seat. The cover and synopsis suited the storyline perfectly.
WOW!! Yet another absolutely explosive addition to one of the best series I have ever read!!! I was absolutely gobsmacked from the mind blowing beginning to the very end!!
What another absolutely addictive page turner by the extremely talented Val!! I did not think this series could get any better than the first and second books which I absolutely loved but Val does it again!! This book is an absolutely fantastic and explosive addition to an addictive series!! I was completely sucked into the pages from start to finish and was gutted when it came to an end! The storyline is multi-layered and absolutely ram packed with mystery, deceit, murder, secrets, lies, romance, tension and suspense. I love the fact that although this is a crime thriller there is some light hearted moments throughout which had me laughing out loud on several occasions!! I also enjoyed the fact that there wasn't just the main storyline but plenty of other events going on to absolutely grip the readers attention. I enjoyed looking into the lives of several of the characters I could not work it out what was going on and who did what and I and was completely wrong with who and what I thought it may have been so a HUGE WELL DONE Val as it is get to harder and harder to shock me but you definitely managed that in this book. I really enjoyed the setting of this book and I cannot wait until the next book in this absolutely fantastic series to be released!! I would LOVE to see these books made into movies!!
Although this is the third book in the series I had would have had absolutely no problems reading it without the others. Any details or events that have previously happened are mentioned in just the right amount of detail to let a new reader know what has happened and yet not too much to bore a previous reader.
I wasn't just 100% invested in the storyline but also in the characters. Every single one of the characters were well defined, realistic and strong. I will admit when I read the first book in this series 'Hunter's Chase' I was confused with the amount of characters for a while and even wrote our the Family tree for Jamie and Frankie 😂 but it will always be like that when starting a new series. I worked out who was who pretty quickly and I absolutely loved the majority of the characters and loved meeting them again in this amazing page turner. I really like DI Hunter Wilson and love how well he works with his team. Hunter is down to Earth, has a good sense of humour and is a great team player. I have enjoyed watching his relationship with Dr Meera Sharm develop and I'm looking forward to seeing it continue in the next book! I'm not a huge fan of DCI Mackay but I find that he is a good boss. I love DC Tim Myerscough and find him to be a lovely character who makes an absolutely fantastic addition to this team. I loved Sergeant Jane Renwick and Rachael who were partners out of work which I thought was sweet especially how well they seemed to get on in work. They both have great personalities and kick butt attitudes. I love seeing strong females in books and Jane, Rachael and Meena definitely ticked those boxes. Another team member was DC Winston Zewedu (Bear) who I absolutely adored and thought was a great team player and friend, especially to Tim. Two of the characters who were not part of the team but were big parts of the storyline in this book and 'Hunter's Chase' were Jamie and Frankie. Jamie had me in stitches on so many occasions I lost count. I absolutely LOVED his attitude and although he was on the wrong side of the law I really hope we get to meet him again.I cannot wait to meet most of these characters again and am looking forward to the next book in this fantastic series.
A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to Val on yet another fantastic addition to an absolutely addictive series!!! I cannot wait to see what Hunter and his team get up to next! This is why you are on my favourite author list Val and here's to your next explosive success 🥂!!!
Overall another explosive addition to an addictive series and an absolutely action packed page turner that will keep you hooked until you've finished!!!
Genres covered in this book include Crime Thriller, Mystery, Thriller , Suspense, Crime Fiction, Police Procedural, Scottish Crime, Noir Crime, British Detective Stories, Literature & Fiction, Fiction and Thriller amongst others.
272 pages.
This book is just 99p to purchase on kindle and free on kindle unlimited via Amazon which I think is an absolute bargain for this book!!!
Rated 5 /5 (I LOVED it ) on Goodreads, Instagram, Amazon UK and Amazon US and on over 30 Facebook pages plus my blog on Facebook.
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Author Bio
Val Penny has an Llb degree from the University of Edinburgh and her MSc from Napier University. She has had many jobs including hairdresser, waitress, banker, azalea farmer and lecturer but has not yet achieved either of her childhood dreams of being a ballerina or owning a candy store.
Until those dreams come true, she has turned her hand to writing poetry, short stories, nonfiction books, and novels. Her novels are published by SpellBound Books Ltd.
Val is an American author living in SW Scotland. She has two adult daughters of whom she is justly proud and lives with her husband and their cat.

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