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Title: Fathom: An Uncovering of Trauma
Author: Lisa Dart
Genre: Psychoanalysis, Memoir, Experimental
Publisher: Ortus Press, an imprint of Free Association Books
Publication: December 5 2019
Availability: Paperback & ebook
ISBN: 9781911383284
Price: £11.99
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Book Description
• Experimental memoir playing with time, memory and style.
• Story of an emotional breakdown, hidden trauma and uncovered memories brought to the
surface through psychoanalysis.
“I think I saw a lot of blood.”
When Jenny was four years old, something happened that made her very, very
frightened. Only fragments of the ‘event’ remain –- blue flashing lights, an elephant’s
foot umbrella stand and a thing she cannot say. Jenny’s mind has shut itself off and,
consequently, she has no words for what happened, though she is deeply troubled by
one recurrent thought: ‘I think I saw a lot of blood.’
This is a long and difficult story. It is a story of emotional breakdown, of hidden
trauma, and of hidden memories, brought to the surface and explored through the
work of psychoanalysis. By talking with a psychoanalyst, exploring her feelings and
episodic madness, Jenny starts to understand herself. And by getting back to that
fateful day, she can begin to build herself up from its shatterings.
Much like a kind of detective work to begin with, the narrative unravels the depths
that appear in psychotic breakdown. Fathom, an experimental memoir, has unique
qualities: playing with time, memory and style, it explores the hinterland of the
narrator’s mind. Identity is evoked through three personas of the self: the puppet, the
puppet-master and She-who-knows. Poetic in style, though something of a detective
story, the first-person narrative is richly layered — Plath, Shakespeare, Sophocles and
pop songs all have their place.
Today’s huge interest in mental health and the newly developing market for
experimental writing suggest Fathom would quickly find an audience among therapists
as well as all involved in off-shoot therapeutic practices. Fathom will also be of
immediate interest to anyone having psychoanalysis themselves. Highly concentrated
in 40,000 words, structured in three parts, non-linear in chronology and highly
metaphoric, those interested in experimental books, excited by the play of fact and
imagination and would actively seek out Fathom.

Author Bio
Lisa Dart has a doctorate in Creative Writing from the University of Sussex,
England. She has published poetry, book reviews, creative non-fiction and articles
and has won both the Grolier Prize, USA, and the Aesthetica Prize. Her work has
been published in The British Journal of Psychoanalysis and the International
Journal of Psychotherapy. Her last book, This Thing of Darkness, was given an
Arts Council Award in 2015. Lisa lives in Eastbourne in East Sussex.

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