Check out this absolutely fantastic looking and sounding book!!! I am gutted I didn't have time to squeeze it in for a review but keep reading for an extract!
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Book Description
~ Please note this isn't a dragon-shifter romance ~
Revenge is a curse that can only destroy.
Princess Annika loves dancing, wearing bright gowns, and enjoying life. When she travels to the neighbouring kingdom of Walhack for the spring festival, she expects to make new friends. What she doesn’t expect is to meet Wlad, the former prince of Walhack now a slave in his own kingdom, starved and beaten by the violent usurper. Her attempt to help the fallen prince ends with her being assaulted and her father damaged for life.
Revenge is the only thing that keeps Wlad alive after the invaders occupied his kingdom, killed his parents, and turned him into a slave. Annika is the first ray of sunlight in years of pain and humiliation. Her kindness and compassion awaken the most dangerous feeling of all in his heart—hope.
Desperate to take his kingdom back, he makes a pact with the Sister Witches. He’ll be cursed forever in exchange for the supernatural powers that will allow him to defeat his enemy.
Eight years later
Annika doesn’t dance anymore. Doesn’t wear bright gowns anymore. As she struggles with her trauma, she has to meet King Wlad the Dracul—the Dragon King of Walhack—who slaughtered his way back to the throne. Everyone says he’s cursed, turned into an immortal creature who seeks blood to survive. But she hopes he’s still the kind young man she met years ago.
~This is a standalone, steamy paranormal/historical romance with a happily ever after. Trigger warning for explicit sex scenes, assault (off page), violence (off page), and trauma. There’s a time jump after the first few chapters. Cinnamon roll hero.~

Book Extract
“If I leave now, wouldn’t the king become suspicious, or worse, offended by my absence? Listen, I’ll be careful and do my best to represent our kingdom as you taught me to do.” She didn’t spend hours refining her manners to embarrass her father and kingdom. Yes, she might enjoy unladylike activities, like the crossbow, and danger thrilled her, but she wasn’t stupid enough to bring disgrace to her family. “Nothing is going to happen to us. We’ll enjoy the festival, make friends, and return home.”
“Don’t trust anyone,” he whispered again.
She spread her arms. “How can I make friends when I don’t trust anyone?”
“Take a maid, or better yet, a guard with you always. Don’t wander along side corridors. This castle is a maze. You might get lost. Don’t talk with men you don’t know and stay away from Lord Draga.”
Lord. That was a long list. “I understand, Papa.”
“Good. I’ll see you in the great hall.” He gave her a tight hug before walking out of the bedchamber, leaving a cold trail behind.
More rules. Annika sighed. Yes, King Hosman had invaded Walhack after a feud with the late King Radu. Something to do with King Radu having offended him. She wasn’t sure. Politics was boring. But if King Hosman wanted to expand his kingdom further and invade her kingdom, he would have already done it. He’d been sitting on the throne of Walhack for how long? Five years now? He’d never shown any interest in invading his neighbours.
She dropped herself onto the bed, the plush covers huffing under her weight. Was she a terrible daughter for wishing to be free for a while? The journey from Sieben-Saxon to Walhack had taken days due to muddy roads, changes of horses, and delays caused by the weather. She’d been confined in the oppressive space of the carriage with her father and a maid for days on end without the respite of her daily riding or dance training. Restlessness was shuddering throughout her body, sore from the inactivity. And now her father wanted to send her home right when the festival was starting.
After pulling the servant bell, she waited for a maid to come and help her with her hair and dress, but minutes passed and no one arrived. She opened the window again and peered out of the balcony. Candlelight and lanterns glowed in the darkening garden, signalling the beginning of the festival. Elegant guests in flamboyant capes and cloaks were entering the castle while she was stuck in her bedchamber. When a gust of air pebbled her skin with goosebumps, she left her spying position and returned to the bedchamber. She rang the bell again. Still no maid. Perhaps all the servants were busy with the guests.
From her trunk, Annika took out a handful of linen and silk ribbons and started to weave them into her long hair. Even with the help of the mirror, she couldn’t reach the back of her head properly, and the strands were twisting on themselves. Lord, her hair was going to look dishevelled. Well, never mind.
She could wait for a maid to help her with her hair, but the wide belt that hugged her waist right under her breasts required someone to tug it properly behind her back. No amount of contortions allowed her to do a good job. Folds of saffron fabric hung loosely over her belly, causing the neckline of her gown to drop and showing too much of her undergarment. As much as she loved the thrill of danger, propriety was something she didn’t want to challenge.
Curse it. She needed to search for help or she’d miss out on the food and dances for a stupid belt.

Author Bio
Love stories have always captured my imagination. What’s better than two people falling in love with each other? I write steamy romance, usually with a paranormal twist in an historical setting. Add a touch of suspense and mystery and a pinch of darkness. I love stories with strong, sexy heroes and mischievous heroines who pull no punches.
I live in the City of Sails, New Zealand, drinking tea (coffee gives me anxiety) and devouring books.
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If you love steamy paranormal romance set in Victorian London, my Royal Occult Bureau series is for you:
The Royal Occult Bureau Series
Are you into shape-shifter romance? Check out my da Vinci’s Beasts series, set in WW2:
da Vinci's Beasts Series
For more Victorian paranormal romance with witches and sexy warriors, see the Knights of the White Blade series:
The White Order Series
Love steampunk? Check out my Auckland Steampunk series:
Auckland Steampunk Series
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thank you so much for hosting this extract as part of the tour x