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'As The Moon Fell Down' by L.B Stimson

Writer: Kirsty WhitlockKirsty Whitlock

Book Description

In the spring of 1982, photographer Ellie Spaulding conned her way into the perfect setting to complete her upcoming gallery show; a secluded farmhouse in rural Virginia.

There were only two rules to follow. She soon learns the house is keeping secrets and those dwelling within it have been waiting for someone to expose them.

Once again, L.B. Stimson has created a terrifying ghostly tale inspired by her own haunting experiences. Readers will find themselves immersed in the lives of both the living and the dead as the veil is broken, worlds collide, and secrets are revealed.


Review for 'As The Moon Fell Down' by L.B Stimson.

Read and reviewed for ZooLoos Book Tours, Question Mark Press and L.B Stimson.

Publication date 13th July 2022.

This is the second book I have read by this author. I have also read 'A Haunting Of Noyo Bay' which I would also highly recommend.

I was originally drawn to this book by its absolutely fantastic, eye-catching and unique cover and its intriguing synopsis. I'm also a major horror fan and have heard some fantastic things about this book!! I am also a huge fan of L.B Stimson and of this book is half as good as 'The Haunting Of Noyo Bay' it is guaranteed to be a page turner. I must admit I was also biased due to the publisher being Question Mark Press. I have yet to read a book published by Question Mark Press that I haven't enjoyed. Hopefully this won't be the first... Watch this space! (Written before I started reading the book).

This novel consists of 17 chapters. The chapters are short to medium in length so easy to read 'just one more chapter' before bed...OK, I know yeah right, but still just in case!

This book is based in Virginia, USA 🇺🇸.

This book is written in third person perspective with the main protagonist being Ellie Spaulding. The benefits of third person perspective are that it let's you see the bigger picture of what's going on and you get to know more characters more, what they are thinking and what they are doing. It feels like you get to see the whole picture and not miss out in anything.

This book is extremely well written with vivid descriptions that really set the scene and kept me on the edge of my seat. The cover and synopsis suited the storyline perfectly.


I am an absolutely HUGE horror fan and love a good old ghost story and this has got to be one of the best!! I have never actually read a book that has creeped me out so much but you actually managed it so genuinely a MASSIVE CONGRATULATIONS!!! I absolutely loved the gothic atmosphere that was presented throughout the book and I still get chills up my spine thinking about it. With every single turn of the page I became more and more creeoed out and am just glad I read this in the middle of the day as it would definitely have me hearing bumps in the night!! L.B's imagination is absolutely fantastic and she creates such vivid imagery it genuinely feels like I'm standing next to Ellie throughout the book. It is filled with a gothic atmosphere, ghostly goings on, tension, suspense, mystery and the paranormal. It ticks every box that you could want in a good ghost story. It is an absolutely perfect Halloween read!! I was absolutely addicted to this book from the attention grabbing and hair raising first page to the completely shocking last!! L.B Stimson has managed to create such a unique storyline which is an absolute pleasure to see!!! This book will keep you awake at every bump in the night and THAT ladies and gentlemen is what you call a successful horror!! There is not a single negative thing I can think about this book and I always try to ensure I give constructive criticism but L. B Stimson you absolutely SMASHED it in one!! Every single time I kept telling myself one more chapter the one I was in ended at a point where there was no way I could stop reading so I absolutely devoured it in one sitting!!



I read approximately half of this book on kindle and listened to approximately half on audio book. I must also give a huge congratulations to the narrator Jennifer March who not only brought the storyline to life by really portraying the emotions through his voice but by doing absolutely fantastic impressions of males and females so a HUGE congratulations Jennifer!! I cannot imagine that this was anywhere near an easy feat!!! I am looking forward to discovering more books read by yourself as you definitely have a perfect "book" voice!! I sometimes struggle to absorb the storyline through an audio book but if you are the same as me I can promise you will not have that problem with this amazing narrator!!

A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to LB Stimson on what promises to be a massive best seller!!! I WAS absolutely shocked mind blown by the twisted ending and the fact that you genuinely managed to scare me..... Just perfect 👌 This is exactly why you are on my favourite author list and here's to your next explosive success 🥂!!!

Overall an absolutely addictive, horror packed, ghost filled, paranormal, mind blowing page turner that will keep you up with a racing heart until you've finished!!!

Genres covered in this book include Psychological Thriller, Horror Fiction Classics, Thriller, Suspense, Ghost Horror, Psychological Fiction, Gothic Ghost Story, Occult Fiction, Occult Horror and Horror Suspense amongst others.

166 pages/5 hours and 26 minutes.

This book is just £1.74 to purchase on kindle, free on kindle unlimited, £16 for audiobook and £6.64 in paperback via Amazon at time of review which I think is an absolute bargain for this book!!!

Rated 5 /5 (I loved it ) on Goodreads, Instagram, Amazon UK and Amazon US and on over 30 Facebook pages plus my blog on Facebook.

Feel free to add me on Goodreads or follow me on my website or Facebook for more reviews

@LBStimson @Bookworm86 @bookworm1986 @ZooLoosBT @QuestionMarkPress

Author Bio

L.B. grew up in a one stop-light town in central Idaho. After earning a bachelor of art’s degree in cultural anthropology from California State University-Chico, she uprooted herself to begin a new life in Washington, D.C., where she began a varied career in professional communications in private business and education.

“I’ve always had a passion for photography, travel, writing, and history. I am thrilled to now be creating works of fiction that allow me to share these passions with others. One of my favorite parts of the writing process is the historical research required to bring authenticity to my characters’ lives.”

L.B. converted to Catholicism after accepting the intercession of the Virgin Mary while she was investigating paranormal activities. Having been aware of her ability to sense, see, and hear the spirits of departed souls from an early age, she has fully embraced her God-given gift as a Sensitive. She deeply believes her writing would feel hollow if she didn't bring aspects of her faith into her characters’ struggles and hopes.

“I drew on my spiritual abilities and true-life paranormal experiences in creating Autumn. While not all spirits are mischievous, some simply have a message of comfort for loved ones, I believe prayer and faith in God will ultimately bring peaceful closure.”

L.B. currently resides in Virginia, however her heart remains in the West, near the seductive vines of Redwood’s true location.

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Zoe O'Farrell
Zoe O'Farrell
Nov 10, 2022

Thank you so much for taking part in the tour x

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